Two years ago, many of us had the great pleasure of witnessing a memorable interview between Rinpoche and Miss Bhushita, formerly of Bodhi TV, Nepal. Licchavi House and Siddhartha’s Intent are honoured to invite Rinpoche and Miss Bhushita to continue their conversation — this time on Buddha Dharma, Nepali culture, art and Licchavi House — on:
Date & Time:
Sunday, 21 May 2023
20:15 (20th) | Los Angeles
23:15 (20th) | New York
05:15 | Berlin
09:00 | Kathmandu
11:15 | Hong Kong
13:15 | Sydney
Join them online here:
English only.
Facebook Live
English only.
Zoom 1
Meeting ID: 898 2168 9064
English with Cantonese, French, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Sharchop simultaneous interpretation.
Zoom 2
Meeting ID: 850 8741 4982
Passcode: 286339
English with Mandarin simultaneous interpretation.
** If you don’t need interpretation, please kindly join us on YouTube or
Facebook Live so that those who do can have space on Zoom.
Check out the previous interview: https://youtu.be/5wrMVGt8zfM
Sign up to Licchavi House’s mailing list: https://licchavi.org/contact-us/